Emma Vrandich Beauty Blog

Buccal Facial Massage | IntraOral Massage


Buccal Facial Massage | IntraOral Massage – introducing you to a whole different realm of facial massage.

Not only the passageway for food to enter and nourish our bodies; our mouths hold and express emotions, share knowledge, laugh, cry, love, kiss. We use our mouths to connect with each other, verbally and physically, and as much as we use them to express ourselves, the mouth also becomes a zone of trapped emotion, much like other areas within our bodies. 

This is where the IntraOral massage comes in, to help aid in the alleviation of tension held within the mouth and jaw, which ultimately has an effect on other areas within the body. 

Like always, utilising techniques like this to bring more awareness to areas of our bodies that are signalling for our attention.

The power of touch is a remarkable thing; use it.

Em. X