If there were a facial that could encapsulate the essence of the  symphony orchestra, what would you call that - The Dreamer.

A Facial that reaches the deeper realms of the face with the introduction of buccal massage.  

A technique incorporated to meet both sides of the muscles in your cheeks by entering the mouth (with gloves on of course). 

This technique aims to create more space with in the tissues through gentle motion, locating areas of tension, offering soothing stimulation.

- Slow breathing practice to begin

- Grounding  touch via feet

- Dry massage to support lymphatic channels

- Gentle cleansing

- Scalp release  (pressure point/massage)

- Buccal (IntraOral) massage

- L.E.D light therapy (red, blue and near Infared)

- Full face, neck, shoulder and decolletage massage with facial cupping.

THE DREAMER 1hr 30min | $280

When the vibe of your treatment is that of an old time classic, of course it will be called  - The Waltz.

A soft dance for the skin - the O.G. of luxury facials for all the bougie souls out there. 

Packed full of intentional movement, balmy oils and yummy plant botanicals, leaving you and your skin glowing, supported and revived.

Slow breathing practice to begin

- Dry massage to support lymphatic channels

- Gentle cleansing

- Nourishing mask

- Warm oil poured across decolletage

- Massage travelling from your scalp to neck, across your shoulders, down your back, arms and hands

THE WALTZ 1hr $150


Eyebrow Sculpt - $30 

Lip - $15

Chin - $15

Sides of Face - $25

Lash Tint - $30

Brow Tint - $30